
16 weeks

Happy 16 weeks of pregnancy everybody!! Things are going that good suddenly. It's definitely the best I've ever felt while being pregnant. 

Ben and I went to see the midwife for our 16 week appointment on Friday. Here are a few of the ultrasound pictures. 

{full body profile, who can spot the turkey leg our baby seems to be stashing?)
{view of the spine and arm}
{here's the brain! looks like a butterfly}
 {hand and foot}
 {alien face!}
We were hoping to announce whether it's a boy or girl but the baby's hand or the umbilical cord was blocking the view! Sorry folks, maybe next time.

In other news, I was able to take my IV out on Friday! My midwife decided a trial run over the weekend was a good idea to see how I handle things. Everything's been fine so far; barring any major events tonight I'll be able to call and report good news to my midwife tomorrow. 

And finally: Don't poke the bear, 2nd trimester or not.
Ben: "Don't look miserable."

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, cute pregnant lady! So glad you are feeling better!!! Keep taking pictures! They are fun to look back on. Chris took some pretty funny ones of me pregnant too. Usually 8 were taken for every good one, lol.
