
8 months old

We've never seen 8 months fly by like they have since Porter arrived! He is learning and watching things like I've never seen a baby do. He has a fun sense of humor too. It's so fun to have "jokes" with a baby. Already I'll walk into a room where The Boys are hanging out and it looks like they're sharing secrets that only 2 boys can share. I love that Porter leans toward me or Ben when he's been held by someone else for a long while. At the same time he is so willing to spend time with his grown up friends at church and in the neighborhood. Such a social little guy!

Other things I love about 8 month old Porter:
  • he takes a pacifier now...as long as he's not being pacified with it.
  • any kind of rough housing is ok by him! His favorite being thrown and twirled up in the air...mostly by daddy. Gasp!
  • He is strong! Any time that he can grasp a finger he stands himself up. He despises crawling, scooting, or rolling. Stand please!
  • He still is and most likely ever will be...chill.
  • Peek-a-boo. It's unclear who loves this more; Mommy and Daddy or the baby.
  • He responds to signs. We're not forcing it, just using certain signs regularly with him and consistently expecting him to sign back...when he's ready of course.

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