
19 weeks...and then some

Hey er'body! The last 3 weeks have flown by.  What with Ben's parents coming to stay at our place for Christmas, my sister coming in for the week after Christmas, teaching nursery again, and my returning to work, ...well, life is feeling a little something like crazy once again. We had so much fun over the holidays eating way too much good food, staying up late at night, seeing family and friends, eating some more glorious food...let's face it - my appreciation for food has grown a LOT in the past few months. I celebrated the ability to eat time and time again. I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciated it, here's me and my undeniably pregnant belly now!

Our little tomato (for that's what this baby roughly matches in size now) is getting bigger and bigger by the second, I swear! Lots of movement now, lots of growing...and a lot more to come I'm sure. We are so excited to meet our little...ahem, *boy* and learn who he is, what he's all about, find out if he likes fruits and vegetables as much as his mama (he better! well, maybe not bell peppers...ick), and introduce him to his first, of many, airplanes. June 1st can not come soon enough. (That's the little man's ETA) I can't believe this journey's almost half-way over.