
Halloween 20-13

We've been tracking the elusive Superman for a while now but all we've been able to secure in photographs are, well...useless.



Until today, that is. Lois Lane, special reporter for the Daily Planet, was able to catch up to "The Man of Steel" and find out what makes him tick. What goes on in the mind of our hero? Who is he really?

Superman, AKA Clark Kent, AKA Porter Auga, AKA cutie patootie, was extremely busy and wouldn't sit for an interview but I was able to gather some information.

-Favorite activity: crunching leaves outside, or exploring all the drawers, cupboards, containers, etc inside.
-Favorite food: bananas. Or candy; he recently discovered the powers of candy. 

"It was through the wrapper, but I could tell it was just so tasty." Sources say that candy may prove to have side effects similar to kryptonite.

What other things does Superman enjoy? Bath time, losing the pieces to his barn yard puzzle, stacking block rings two at a time, and has a surprisingly human soft spot for: snack time!

"People think that a super hero doesn't get tired, hungry, or cranky...but I have needs! Sometimes I just need a break to snuggle with my mommy or to grab a bite to eat. I live an exciting life, but you know...it's nice to just sit down and read a book or watch some Baby Einstein once in a while. That really calms me down when I feel like I have the weight of the world on me."


First photo shoot: sneak peek!

I have butterflies in my stomach! This is my first time taking pictures for any kind of compensation so I feel like the bar has been raised...which, I feel helped stretch me in such a good way! Also, these young ladies are amazing so I wanted to do their intrinsic beauty justice. I must say, the surroundings and these sisters can take all the credit for how things turned out. Here's a sneak peak of M & L's portrait session.

(as always, I'm trying to learn and grow, please leave a comment telling me specifics of what you love or felt was lacking in aspects of photography/editing)


Boy loves his books.

*Proud mommy moment*
Finally, something that can compete with food on Porter's List of Things Worth Living For.


The Wisdom of a Quarter Century...or something like it.

I'm 25 years old? Honestly, I had to do the math. It seems every year the number means less and less, what does matter to me is what I get out of each birthday (and I don't mean the presents).
What I've gathered in a quarter of a century:

Water is the first ingredient in the Fountain of Youth and is my beverage of choice (thanks, Dad! It only took 25 years, but I got it!)

Cold cereal is, and always will be, appropriate at any time of day (retired, on a beach in Mexico, 1 am; I'll be there eating a bowl of Kix).

Jackie O. was right: Pearls are always appropriate. I wear pearl earrings to clean my house!

Life is too short to not live it with passion. Do what you love and happiness will follow. Likewise, money does not ensure happiness.

Baby laughs are the second ingredient in the Fountain of Youth.

Beauty is not 6' anything, size 2, blonde, or free of blemish. It doesn't wear heels or vintage dresses. Beauty often doesn't have a thing to wear and hates its' hair when it is running late. Beauty forgot long ago what a toned tummy looks like because it is too busy cooking or fixing the washer. Beauty is not vain, but confident. Beauty is a belief.

Heavenly Father knows everything, sometimes he lets me in on His secrets.
P.S. Those "secrets" aren't really secret at all, but every now and then I get smart enough to open my eyes to what's in front of me.

I can appreciate the rough patches in life like I appreciate an ominous thunderstorm: there's beauty to be found if you look hard enough. It makes me appreciate the sunshine that much more, reminds me of the essentials (umbrella, dry socks), and leaves a whole lot more potential for growth and beauty than there was before.

Cheater! Caught...I refused to play along at first.

We went up to beautiful Huntsville for a special birthday dinner with the Huggards. Spaghetti. No forks, no hands. Ugh. I struggle at the best of times to eat neatly; this was my worst nightmare and also great fun. (Believe it or not this isn't the first time I've been asked to eat spaghetti without a fork...just the first time without my hands. Utah tradition? Hmmm.)


Pause Button: 15 months

Bills. Errands. Owie! Applications. Phone. Appointments. Dinner. More. All done! Cleanup. CRASH.
My camera is my pause button. I don't know what I'd do without it! We are dedicating this week to slowing down more as a family and enjoying the small things.

Speaking of small things...Porter is 15 months old! He is my little helper, daddy's little man, the little alarm clock with little patience, a busy bee anxious to learn everything there is, a little door stop (whatever I want to do with a door, he is there to stop it). He may be my little boy now, but there's no denying he will do BIG things one day.

We're the cool kids in the corner of the playground...diggin' in the MULCH. Woohoo!

The guys in our church decided to have a water kickball game/BBQ. Home plate was the end of the slip'n'slide which also happened to be the ONLY place Porter was content, naturally. This is the first time he has ever really liked playing in water that isn't just innocently sitting in the bottom of the tub. Finally, a splash pad just his size!



Paradise found! Acres of green farm land nestled right in between the mountains...did I mention there wasn't a street light for miles and miles? Too bad I didn't realize that until we were on our way home; we haven't just sat and enjoyed the stars in a long time.

"...fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue. Set me free, oh I pray, closer to heaven above and closer to you..." Name this girl's favorite tune!

It's past my dinner time Mom.

I like sunsets and watching the irrigation sprinklers...oh, and walks on the beach? Sure, those too I guess.

Too busy chatting with friends to get any of the adults' faces...my bad.


Western Family Campout

Alright, no more excuses. I have an awesome camera and internet access to boot...I have so much to post!
Did I mention exactly how much I love my camera? I had to limit how many pics made it in so I said, "I'll only put it in if it's a stunner". Right...
# of teeth currently coming in: 5
I'm sure gonna miss this toothy baby grin!
The Air Force really does take care of its people. Over the weekend we got to see how the military throws a party; we're pretty impressed. Complete with splash pad, Outback Steakhouse (burger and fries done up right!), horse back ride, western singer, petting zoo, face painting, balloon artist, movie in the park, and an overnight camp-out, right there on base. We didn't end up camping because of Ben's drill the next morning, but we had as much of a blast as I think I can handle. For the most part Porter's fun involved the petting zoo and eating dirt. I think a 3 am scream fest for teething tablets surrounded by a park full of people is outside my threshold for fun.

Most commonly used phrase out of doors: Oh Porter, gross!
Ball cap wearin', dirty knee sportin', secret tellin' boys club

Places to go, people to see. This is my view most of the time; the back of his head + rump in the air.

Who doesn't love a free stress ball? Especially when you have no idea it's for stress. In fact, we have so much stress fun in our lives we got 2!!

This brings back some childhood memories of the fair. I miss showing animals!
"Pygmy goats are the coolest!", said Porter over and over again.
Some day we'll have plenty of these in our yard. Can't beat fresh eggs!