
Food, wonderful food!

Hey Porter...

How are you buddy?! I love that you can sit up all by yourself. It's great, right?! You look as proud as a peacock, son. What else have you been up to?

Wow, neat!

Well, we had to start all over with solid foods at 6 months because of some tummy troubles but you're well on your way to a colorful and well-rounded diet!
We're still not sure what was making him sick but baby led weaning seems to be the best thing for him.
Here's what Porter is eating so far:
  • Cheerios (sprinkle these babies over anything and ta-da! Suddenly it's edible.)
  • sweet potatoes roasted in cinnamon and nutmeg
  • scrambled eggs with garlic, onion, paprika, salt, and pepper
  • bread
  • tomato
  • turkey/chicken
  • meatballs
  • green beans
  • banana
  • avocado
  • ham
  • hash browns
  • peas
  • blueberry applesauce (that's what is finger painted all over his tray in some pictures, we had to use up the rest of the "baby food" somehow! He had a TON of fun with that meal.)


Baby Blessing

Hi there! How are you? We have a lot to catch up on!

We had Porter's blessing on November 11th and were so fortunate to have many loved ones come and celebrate this special boy! The blessing, given by Ben that morning at church, was very sweet and Porter was quite the well-behaved little man. Granted, he was a little older than is typical for a baby blessing...apparently he was trying to sit up when he wasn't supposed to. Porter, we love every bit of your strength and love for everyone around you!


Mr. Owl...

...how much longer until we get some snow in Utah?